Monday, August 31, 2009

Hail to the Chief

I totally forgot to tell you all... I am Floor President of Stearns West 6th Floor! It's not the biggest responsibility, but I get to plan programs with our RA, Drew. Right now we are in the process of planning a "Speed Friending" with the all girls 7th Floor.

Family Taking Care of Me

Today was a good day! I received two packages. One from my family, and then one from a mystery sender: I sure hope I didn't choose to have my econ book in hard-copy form! I only wanted the E-Version.

The two packages I received today. One I knew was coming, and another that was a suprise. Did I really order something from UH OH. I screwed up somewhere.

AND THE WINNER OF THE GUMMY BEAR CHALLENGE IS....My twitter family!! They hooked me up with 15lbs of gummy bears! :D Haribo brand! YUM. Best kind out there! See, twitter is good for something! Thanks @bjhenry, @kathygee1, and @moburns67. <3

Here is the package my parents and my sister sent me! Below I will list everything in it.
  1. rainbow sandals
  2. glowsticks
  3. extra contacts
  4. gallon sized baggies
  5. $25 cash
  6. mini first aid kit
  7. plastic basketball
  8. 2 nerf basketballs
  9. iPhone car charger
  10. mouth piece for my nalgene bottles
  11. a pack of 5 gum
  12. camel back cleaning tablets
  13. nike waterbottle
  14. nalgene bottle
  15. multi-use, wash again handi-wipes **Correction**
  16. a bottle of handsoap
  17. spiral bound notebook
  18. nerf football
  19. 4 SportsIllustrated magazines
  20. the Progress (SFHS magazine, which i am in)
Thanks everyone for the packages!!!!! :D <3

Sunday, August 30, 2009

You Steal My Gum--I Find Glasses

So if you haven't already heard, someone stole my Costco pack of gum and in return he/she left their keys to their mailbox and the keys to their Range Rover in my room. Hmm..I'm not hiding the keys, but I am kind of confused as to why no one has come back for them. Makes me wonder. Maybe they have NO idea where they are. I really don't care. I guess he really needed gum.

But my luck struck last night on my way to a party. I found Oakleys! How cool is that? They were on the ground. Picked them up, and asked around if they were anybody's. Everyone said no, so I kept them and placed them on top of my SJ Giants hat. I looked like a ball player with my SJ Giants Hat, my Oakley glasses, and Phiten necklace. haha.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

More Pictures Reloaded!

Here are some pictures from the past couple of days...

My Macbook Pro and my brand new printer.
$70 in the Buff Chip (its the electronics store on campus) haha.

Gorgeous, clever girl rooting on David Wright and the NY Mets. I found her in a SI magazine.

My verryy cramped seat in the Taxi. (303) 777-7777 --if you want to call a cab here in Boulder.

Hannah trying to get a ride back to Will Vill. We decided to take a taxi. $10 fare for 4 people. Pretty cheap. We bought alot of food/gatorade/water at Target.

The roommates' 3-day plan. haha.

Gorgeous view of the Flatirons from the 29th Street Mall right by the Apple Store.

Sephora wants me to follow them on Twitter.

Free Chipotle!!?? Im there! And I get to interrogate a cop? COOL!

Marisa Miller

I am friends with a girl named Hannah(who you see in the post above)
who is family friends with this lady below..

Marisa Miller--her cover photo on the front of SI Swimsuit Edition.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Sanuk = happiness & balance

I want a pair! I think they are really cool sandals. And very Boulder-like. Check them out here.. They are around the $50 range, so maybe for Christmas, Thanksgiving, or maybe I get them for myself for the celebration of Gina's bday?! :D haha.

They been around since July, 1997 when Jeff Kelley started making sandals out of inner tubes and indoor-outdoor carpet. “SanĂ¼k” is the Thai word for happiness and balance(exactly what I am striving for here at CU), the name is also the mantra. Smile…Pass it on!

There is another brand of this type of sandal/shoe that I tried on at the CU Bookstore, but they were $65. Next time I am in the store, I will try and check out what brand they are.

Gummy Bear Challenge

Here starts my challenge to get somebody to send me a care-package filled with nothing but gummy bears! Get in contact with me if you would like to participate in this challenge! The amount of the gummy bears does not matter. Even one will do! But I prefer a bag full. :D

More Pictures!

***I have been asked multiple times what I am
holding in my hand/placed on my ear..
its a pen, i was doing my homework
prior to this event taking place***
Charlie, Hannah, Me, Abby, Ron and Jason stop for a picture..
Every picture session needs one of these. HAHA.

Abby, Me, Jason, Colleen and Lauren's arm huddled around the TV

Charlie, Hannah, Abby, and Me watching people play Mario Kart

Charlie, Hannah, and Me playing Mario Kart

Abby and Me

Abby, Skittles, and Me

Fell asleep in another person's room prior to their roommate moving in.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

My Tweet Cloud

These are the words/people I tweet the most on Twitter..
It was created at
Check out my interactive cloud at

#giants #sfgiants 10 alot app apple apps awesome bad best better big @bjhenry blog blogspot boulder @camhe12 case @cazwell check colorado come congrats cool cu dad day did didnt does doesnt @elliefry @faeriedragon follow free fun funny game getting giants girl going good great gunna guy guys haha hahaha happy hate heard help hes hit home idea idk ill iphone @jenjengiles jenn @jessrene @jimmyjames70 @kathygee1 @kelbell5616 kinda know @lauren_hannah let lets lincecum little lol look looks love @magnifiquebelle make man @manolosavi maybe @mhelvey @mikeerickson @moburns67 movie @mrgrtbarr need new news nice night @ocgiants ohh ok people phone pic play post pretty read really @richarddparker right rt said san sanchez sandoval saw say school @sf_giants @sfgiantsgirl @si_24seven soo sounds @stevegarufi stuff super @superbad24 sure @sydneyee @tam2488 tell thanks thats thing things think tho thought @timbe2 time today tomorrow tonight @toysoldier72 try trying tweet tweets twitpic twitter update ur use wanna want watch watching way whats win work wow ya yeah yeahh year yfrog zito @zjh90 zviphone

Follow me on Twitter at

My First College Laundry Run

Today I took my first adventure to the laundry in the Basement on Stearns West. I arrived to the basement with all my clothes, my All soap, and my bounce dryer sheets to see that the Stearns West laundry room had too many people for my liking, and alot of the same people I have been hanging out with. I figured this would be the perfect time to broaden my horizons and search out another place to do my laundry. I ventured over to Stearns East(the two buildings share a basement tunnel, which I took) and found the laundry room there. I met the people and started up my laundry, taking precaution to sort out my lights/whites and the darks. I started up two machines, bringing my total to $2.00, which I paid with by swiping my BuffOne Card.
In the meantime, my friend Abby(picture coming soon) from my leadership camp met me at the laundry room, because she wanted to hang out. We talked, listened to music, and skyped some people: my dad, mom, anna, haley, michael, and molly. After about 35 minutes I moved my clothes from the washing machines to the dryers. Another $2.00, bringing my total to $4.00!

More waiting.....

And waiting..

And waiting...

Now, the laundry is done! I check it out, and notice that the laundry is just as wet as when I put it in! ARRGGG! so, I swipe my card 2x more, once for each dryer and begin the process all over. This brought my total to $6.00.
After all was said and done, I folded my laundry, said bye to my new friends and headed to back Stearns West. Success!
Something else I worked on while doing home-screen for my iPhone. Please check out my blog that @zjh90 and I have.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

A Couple Photo Ops

Here are some pictures I took around campus of different things...

Me cheese n' it in the bathroom on the 6th floor. Monday was spirit day.

My residence hall at Williams Village--Stearns West. I live on the 6th floor. Room 634

An iClicker I had to buy for my Finite Math class, and Psychology class.
It was $40, sorry mom and dad. But I needed it. It's 1/4 of my grade.

HAHA. Some immature kid wrote this on a a fire extinguisher box in my stairwell.

Guys doing graffiti (sponsored by CU) for the concert "Pretty Lights"

Monday, August 24, 2009

Frisbee, N64, Mini-Golf, Oh my!

Today marks the 1 week anniversary of me being in Boulder, Colorado, here to begin my freshman year at CU Boulder! And so far--im loving it! The people are awesome, the city is gorgeous and there is wayy too much to do here! :D To tell you the truth, its a little overwhelming; learning how to take the bus, navigating the CU campus, meeting people, balancing classes. etc. So far I am doing very well. The only thing I NEED is a bike. And I need it really badly. Sometimes I want to go to the 29th Street Mall and I dont want to take the bus. I will keep you all updated on how the bike hunt goes. Today I woke up at 12:30pm to my roommate(Daniel) listening to really loud music. It may sound annoying, but I needed to get up and get going. I had alot to do today. I registered my laptop with the Boulder Police/CU campus police so that in case my laptop was stolen, they could retrieve it. Because I signed up for this I had to place a large, silver, metallic sticker on the front of my laptop. I wasnt too excited about it, but luckily I have the InvisibleShield on my laptop, so the sticker is not literally on the computer, but on the outer plastic coating.
After that I found my classes, walked to each one writing them down on my map, in hopes of remembering where to go tomorrow, when it actually matters!
I then met up with a girl named Colleen. We went to dinner together and then played some frisbee on the Darley Commons Quad. Colleen overthrew the frisbee and I turned around and ran for it, trying to grab the frisbee out of the air. I ran into a huge electrical box and got my arm all cut up. But I have to admit, it was pretty funny! The group of 6 girls watching us thought so as well. haha.
Then began the late-night fun! My dorm room turned into party central. We had the N64 with the new "old" tv. I had about 12 people in here playing Mario Kart and talking. We then decided to create a mini-golf land course with 3 holes on the left wing of Stearns West. The RA(Drew) even enjoyed it!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

My Class Schedule

1. Finite Math Soci Sci/Biz 10:00-10:30
2. General Psychology 2:00-2:50
3. 1st Yr Writing/Rhetoric 3:00-4:15

Microeconomics 12:30-1:45
Microeconomics Recitation 5:00-5:50

1. Finite Math Soci Sci/Biz 10:00-10:30
2. General Psychology 2:00-2:50
3. 1st Yr Writing/Rhetoric 3:00-4:15
4. General Psychology Recitation 5:00-5:50

1. Microeconomics 12:30-1:45
2. Finite Math Soci Sci/Biz 2:00-2:50

1. General Psychology 2:00-2:50

TV Hunting

The roommate(Daniel) and I decided we needed a tv for the room, and waiting would not work. We checked out and found the perfect TV for us. It is a 25" AKAI tv. The sale price was $65, but we were able to get it for $60! Great deal! haha. That extra $5 allowed me to get two pieces of pizza at Cosmos, right across from Williams Village, aka Will Vill. It has a beautiful picture and makes a really cool noise when it turns on and off. It sounds like a noise from Mario. Today I went to Best Buy to find a Coaxial cable for getting cable tv in the dorm! Luckily I was able to find a 12' cable for $16. I get over 60 channels, most of them being local. I have already put this tv to good use with the live broadcast of the Giants v. Rockies game. Unfortunately the Giants lost 11-14. : (

Flatirons Hike with The Herd

Today I woke up early to go on a hiking trip up the Flatirons. Flatirons is the large mountain range to the west of the CU campus. I left my dorm at 8am, because I wasn't sure how long it would take to reach the Koenig Alumni Center at Broadway and University. Good thing I left when I did, because it took me 50 minutes. Do keep in mind, I got lost. The final route was: take the RTD 203 bus from 30th/Baseline to Broadway. Get off here and wait 20 minutes for the Sk'p bus. Take that bus to Broadway/University. Get off at Starbucks and walk across the street to the Alumni Building.The hike was awesome. It took 45-50 minutes to get to the top and from there the view was endless. I could see all of Boulder and Denver. From this spot, we could see the Meteorology Center in Denver and the Atomic Clock Center as well. After reaching the top, some pictures were taken, there was a little break and then we headed back down the mountain, but this time alotquicker.After all was said and done, we got FREE lunch! yum! :D and then I got a Herd Shirt, which I can wear to CU football games.
And to tell you the truth, this hike was not easy. It was short and sweet, but the altitude was brutal. I am into backpacking and such but the altitude was the hardest part in this little adventure.

Moving into Stearns West--Will Vill

This happened a week ago, but I want to catch you all up, so here are some pictures from move-in day! Enjoy!
Me and all my luggage: 2 suitcases, my snow sports bag, a golf bag, 1 carry on, and a backpack

My mom and dad putting together the bed frame. It was loose.

My clothes, shoes, and some sporting goods in the closet. Still unpacking a suitcase.

Poster of Jack Johnson.

Pano shot of my side of the dorm room.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

My Computer...

Hey guys! Sorry I haven't posted in a while. Main reason: my harddrive on my Macbook Pro decided to not work right when I moved into the dorms. It crashed! : ( and my MBP has been living at the Apple Store on 29th Street in Boulder. I just got it today! Expect some new posts, updates, and photos in the coming days. Until then, check out this picture..
Some of the 5,500 freshman at Folsom Field--home of CU football!!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Howdy Colorado!

Hey all! I say all just because, I really don't have that many people following this blog. It is kind of just a place for me to write and talk about life at Boulder. So I left my house this morning at 5:30am for our flight out of San Jose. Said bye to my puppy, Tux and my sister Gina. : (
We arrived at the airport checked in. We arrive at security and we realize the lady never gave us our boarding passes. I now had to run back to the check-in and ask for them. The lady prints them out and stuffs them in an envelope. I run back to the security line and find out that the lady gave me boarding passes for completely other people. Now my parents are furious. Our plane boards in 5 minutes and we haven't even gotten through the security check point. I go back and get the right tickets, phewf. We barely made our plane.
Now for the plane ride: It was nice, smooth and the 3 of us slept the whole time. In the middle of the flight I woke up and played some Baseball Slugger on my iPhone. I hit 23 homeruns in one round of the homerun derby. I was pretty stoked. At the end of the flight, the ride got a little turbulent.Ok, now to the good part!
At the rent a car place (Budget), a cute little girl and her mom befriended me. We talked about their trip to Aspen, my school(her husband went there) and they shared their jelly bellies with me. :D Super nice Colorado folk! And then my mom, dad, and I stopped at Sonic!! @zjh90 is jealous, I can tell from here. I had a CrissSonic Sandwich, some tater tots, and a meaty breakfast burrito. yum! :D Now im in my hotel, on 28th and Folsom. To most of you that means absolutely nothing. But it has a swimming pool, and a putting green! How awesome is that?
Thanks for reading! Hope it was mildly exciting!

BTW: the picture of me was taken by my dad, Rodney. And the picture of the campus was taken from